.NET Code Scanning

Hello Protocols, Packets, and Programs,

Do you love code?

Do something special this Valentine’s Day.

Whether your love is constant or variable,

Whether you have a type,

And in whatever your language is,

Use a secure default, support passkeys, target a vuln class,

Do something that makes an appsec team feel lonely, forgotten, and unnecessary.

I spend a ridiculous amount of time tweaking these intros. A few, like the film noir ones, can take anywhere from an hour to eight hours to get just right. And that’s ignoring the time spent thinking of the initial idea.

I don’t code on a daily basis any more, but I’ve always enjoyed the creative outlet of writing – code or otherwise. In both case, I’m always editing and thinking of alternate solutions, whether it’s a better abstraction in code or a more engaging piece of text. As just one example, here’s how I’d tweak the above intro if I were to do it again:

Hello Protocols, Packets, and Programs,

Do you love code?

Do something special this Valentine’s Day.

Whether your love is constant or variable,

Whether you have a type,

And in whatever language you use,

Use a secure default, support a passkey, target a vuln class,

Do something that makes an appsec team feel lonely, forgotten, and unnecessary – the won’t mind.

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