ASW Episode 317
.NET Code Scanning
Hello Protocols, Packets, and Programs,
Do you love code?
Do something special this Valentine’s Day.
Whether your love is constant or variable,
Whether you have a type,
And in whatever your language is,
Use a secure default, support passkeys, target a vuln class,
Do something that makes an appsec team feel lonely, forgotten, and unnecessary.
I spend a ridiculous amount of time tweaking these intros. A few, like the film noir ones, can take anywhere from an hour to eight hours to get just right. And that’s ignoring the time spent thinking of the initial idea.
I don’t code on a daily basis any more, but I’ve always enjoyed the creative outlet of writing – code or otherwise. In both case, I’m always editing and thinking of alternate solutions, whether it’s a better abstraction in code or a more engaging piece of text. As just one example, here’s how I’d tweak the above intro if I were to do it again:
Hello Protocols, Packets, and Programs,
Do you love code?
Do something special this Valentine’s Day.
Whether your love is constant or variable,
Whether you have a type,
And in whatever language you use,
Use a secure default, support a passkey, target a vuln class,
Do something that makes an appsec team feel lonely, forgotten, and unnecessary – the won’t mind.